PCOS Reversal Program
“Harmony in Hormones”
Reverse PCOS with Ayurveda Techniques
A specialized plan designed to reverse PCOS / PCOD symptoms based on ayurveda principles, restore hormonal balance and reset fertility. This program will include determining your prakruti (body type), identifying the root cause of your PCOS and reverse symptoms through targeted ayurvedic nutrition, stress management, and evidence-based wellness practices.
One Month Package
1. First Consultation Call
2. Analysis of reports
3. Suggestions if any other lab tests are needed
4. Prakruti analysis ( Determination of body type) to find the root
5. Onboarding call to explain body type, root causes and steps to
be followed next.
6. 1 month nutrition plan
7. Lifestyle modification plan
8. Prescription for ayurvedic herbs and medicines once
9. Follow up call once in 15 days
10. VIP WHATSAPP SUPPORT GROUP Enrolment for 1 month-
Here Dr.Savitha Suri Personally answers the questions.
11. Accountability submission in group
Three Months Package
1. First Consultation Call
2. Analysis of reports
3. Suggestions if any other lab tests are needed
4. Prakruti analysis ( Determination of body type) to find the root
5. Onboarding call to explain body type, root causes and steps to
be followed next.
6. 3 months nutrition plan
7. Lifestyle modification plan
8. Prescription for ayurvedic herbs and medicines
9. follow up call once in 15 days
10. VIP WHATSAPP SUPPORT GROUP Enrolment for 3 months-
Here Dr.Savitha Suri Personally answers the questions.
11. Accountability submission in group
12. Assessment Call to understand the progress in 3 months